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2018-11-16 11:07:00 发布 来源:雷哥托福





1. Your local community center wants to add some new workshops or programs for children. Which of the following do you think would be the most beneficial for children’s development?

  A. Art craft workshop

  B. Technology workshop

  C. Athletic programs

2. Which one of the following should a city invest?

  1) transportation

  2) park

  3) school

3. Describe a news article or a story that you are interested in recently. And explain why you think it was interesting. Please include reasons and details in your response.

  4. Your friend is having a very difficult math class next semester. What advice would you give him?

  5. Your friend has a bad eating habit. What suggestions would you like to give this friend?

  6. Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of children playing computer games.

  7. Which of the following choices do you think has the greatest impact on environmental protection?

  1) governmental regulations

  2) environmental awareness groups

  3) individual efforts

  8. Talk about a subject that you think is important but you do not enjoy studying.

  9. Which type of movie is not enjoyable for you to watch: action, romance or science fiction movies?

  10. Describe a character in a book, film, or poem. Explain why you like him or her.

  11. Describe one thing you didn't want to do but you were asked to do. How was the result?

  12. Describe one or two ways your life may change five years from now.

  13. Every year, many experienced and inexperienced climbers try to climb the Mount Qomolangma. How would you describe their behavior: dangerous, adventurous or foolish?

  15. Describe a skill you have already learned and want to improve. Describe what you plan to do to improve it.

  16. The university plans to turn long summer holiday into several short holidays. Do you think it's a good idea?

  17. If a foreign tourist visits your city, where would you take him to, a factory, a university or a museum?

  18. Which of the following jobs do you prefer: lawyer, vegetarian, or restaurant owner?

  19. There can be several advantages to spending time living in another country. Talk about one advantage and explain how living in another country provides that advantage.

  20. Which of the following activities would you do with friends rather than alone? A. Taking a walk; B. Watching a movie; C. Travelling.





一个学生和学校系主任,为了能够方便新生了解各种各样的信息,系主任就问她一些必要信息,她就开始谈到自己和一个dormitory advisor的故事,她想把故事分享出去,也想让其他人这么做,因此她认为有必要成立,后面就谈到花费的问题,网站已经运行了,她说只需要很小的地方,因此主任还谈到要注意自己的预算。






两个方式去探测暴风雨形成的原因:一是太阳粒子射出,撞入了大气层,因而形成闪电;还有一个是earth magnet 和 son magnet的关系,因为他们碰撞。


  五、澳大利亚有土著,据说出现的很早,有多早?有物(artifact)为证,该物出现的时候比公认的澳大利亚出现的最早的人类还要早一些。一时哗然,后来实施不断丰富1, 后来掘得古人类头发一撮,可以分析头发主人之genome sequence,但与完整的DNA testing尚有区别。2, 其后又有人研究澳洲土著的 mitochondrion DNA,发现了澳洲土著与非洲人类千丝万缕的练习,疑是非洲人类,远道迁徙而来3, 最后甚至有研究澳洲土著与Indian亦有关联,证据为:dingo




 1. It is easier to become an educated person today than it was in the past.

  2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A job with more vacation time but a low salary is better than a job with a high salary but less vacation time.

  3. Which is better for children's education: 9-month study and 3-month break or 3-month study and 1-month break?

  4. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? These days, children spend more time on doing homework or participating in organized activities related to school or sports. However, they given more time to do whatever they want.

  5. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Taking care of pets brings important benefits to a child.

  6. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Most of the parents at sometimes find disapproval of the ways teachers are teaching their children. It's not suggested for the parents to express their disapproval to the teachers.

  7. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that movies and television have more negative impact than positive ones on the way young people behave?

  8. Nowadays people are more willing to help the people they don't know (for example, giving clothing and food to the people who need them) than people were in the past.

  9. If your teacher says something incorrect in a class, what will you do? 1. Interrupt your teacher right away 2. Keep silent 3. Correct your teacher after class. Use details and examples to explain your choice.

  10. A lot of high school students now cheat in homework assignments, by asking other students for answers. Which of the following do you think is the most efficient way to stop?

  -Asking parents to help stop the students from cheating

  -Penalty or punishment to the students

  -Asking teacher to create homework assignment that cannot be easily cheated








  the origins of plant and animal domestication(重复2017年7月1日北美题目)


上一篇:2018年10月27日、28日托福考试机经|雷哥托福 下一篇:1月托福写作预测题



2018-11-16 11:07:00 发布 来源: 雷哥托福 4847阅读





1. Your local community center wants to add some new workshops or programs for children. Which of the following do you think would be the most beneficial for children’s development?

  A. Art craft workshop

  B. Technology workshop

  C. Athletic programs

2. Which one of the following should a city invest?

  1) transportation

  2) park

  3) school

3. Describe a news article or a story that you are interested in recently. And explain why you think it was interesting. Please include reasons and details in your response.

  4. Your friend is having a very difficult math class next semester. What advice would you give him?

  5. Your friend has a bad eating habit. What suggestions would you like to give this friend?

  6. Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of children playing computer games.

  7. Which of the following choices do you think has the greatest impact on environmental protection?

  1) governmental regulations

  2) environmental awareness groups

  3) individual efforts

  8. Talk about a subject that you think is important but you do not enjoy studying.

  9. Which type of movie is not enjoyable for you to watch: action, romance or science fiction movies?

  10. Describe a character in a book, film, or poem. Explain why you like him or her.

  11. Describe one thing you didn't want to do but you were asked to do. How was the result?

  12. Describe one or two ways your life may change five years from now.

  13. Every year, many experienced and inexperienced climbers try to climb the Mount Qomolangma. How would you describe their behavior: dangerous, adventurous or foolish?

  15. Describe a skill you have already learned and want to improve. Describe what you plan to do to improve it.

  16. The university plans to turn long summer holiday into several short holidays. Do you think it's a good idea?

  17. If a foreign tourist visits your city, where would you take him to, a factory, a university or a museum?

  18. Which of the following jobs do you prefer: lawyer, vegetarian, or restaurant owner?

  19. There can be several advantages to spending time living in another country. Talk about one advantage and explain how living in another country provides that advantage.

  20. Which of the following activities would you do with friends rather than alone? A. Taking a walk; B. Watching a movie; C. Travelling.





一个学生和学校系主任,为了能够方便新生了解各种各样的信息,系主任就问她一些必要信息,她就开始谈到自己和一个dormitory advisor的故事,她想把故事分享出去,也想让其他人这么做,因此她认为有必要成立,后面就谈到花费的问题,网站已经运行了,她说只需要很小的地方,因此主任还谈到要注意自己的预算。






两个方式去探测暴风雨形成的原因:一是太阳粒子射出,撞入了大气层,因而形成闪电;还有一个是earth magnet 和 son magnet的关系,因为他们碰撞。


  五、澳大利亚有土著,据说出现的很早,有多早?有物(artifact)为证,该物出现的时候比公认的澳大利亚出现的最早的人类还要早一些。一时哗然,后来实施不断丰富1, 后来掘得古人类头发一撮,可以分析头发主人之genome sequence,但与完整的DNA testing尚有区别。2, 其后又有人研究澳洲土著的 mitochondrion DNA,发现了澳洲土著与非洲人类千丝万缕的练习,疑是非洲人类,远道迁徙而来3, 最后甚至有研究澳洲土著与Indian亦有关联,证据为:dingo




 1. It is easier to become an educated person today than it was in the past.

  2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A job with more vacation time but a low salary is better than a job with a high salary but less vacation time.

  3. Which is better for children's education: 9-month study and 3-month break or 3-month study and 1-month break?

  4. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? These days, children spend more time on doing homework or participating in organized activities related to school or sports. However, they given more time to do whatever they want.

  5. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Taking care of pets brings important benefits to a child.

  6. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Most of the parents at sometimes find disapproval of the ways teachers are teaching their children. It's not suggested for the parents to express their disapproval to the teachers.

  7. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that movies and television have more negative impact than positive ones on the way young people behave?

  8. Nowadays people are more willing to help the people they don't know (for example, giving clothing and food to the people who need them) than people were in the past.

  9. If your teacher says something incorrect in a class, what will you do? 1. Interrupt your teacher right away 2. Keep silent 3. Correct your teacher after class. Use details and examples to explain your choice.

  10. A lot of high school students now cheat in homework assignments, by asking other students for answers. Which of the following do you think is the most efficient way to stop?

  -Asking parents to help stop the students from cheating

  -Penalty or punishment to the students

  -Asking teacher to create homework assignment that cannot be easily cheated








  the origins of plant and animal domestication(重复2017年7月1日北美题目)




