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TPO51托福阅读passage1 Origins of the Megaliths 真题答案【雷哥托福】

2018-07-20 11:40:21 发布 来源:雷哥托福


本文提供的内容是托福tpo雷哥托福整理的TPO51托福阅读passage1 Origins of the Megaliths 真题答案【雷哥托福】真题答案,想要获得完整版TPO51的真题答案解析,添加小助手微信:ybnt110 获取,或者同学们可以来雷哥托福官网在线模考练习。

获取原文文本请点击:TPO51托福阅读passage1 Origins of the Megaliths 真题原文文本



1.The word "collective"in the passage is closest in meaning to

A.above ground





2.According to paragraph 2, early prehistorians thought the Aegean people of the Bronze Age might have influenced megalith building along the Atlantic seaboard because they

A.had established commercial routes along the Atlantic seaboard

B.had been in Iberia, where they introduced the idea of burial in very large tombs

C.were thought to have found megaliths in Iberia when searching for metals

D.were thought to have passed along the concept of burial in monumental tombs as they explored Brittany, Britain, North Germany, and Scandinavia

Paragraph 2 is marked with


3.In paragraph 3, why does the author discuss the results of radiocarbon dates?

A.To support the idea that megaliths spread rapidly during the Bronze Age

B.To question the idea that megaliths have a religious origin

C.To provide evidence against the theory that Bronze Age Aegean inspired the megaliths

D.To argue that the megaliths in Brittany are older than the megaliths in Los Millares

Paragraph 3 is marked with


4.The word "erecting" in the passage is closest in meaning to






5.According to paragraph 4, what did Professor Clark propose as a result of studying the megaliths of southern Sweden?

A.Swedish megaliths are nearly identical to megaliths elsewhere.

B.People who traveled for fishing may have been responsible for the spread of megaliths in Europe.

C.Swedish megaliths were probably built after other European megaliths were built.

D.Megaliths in Europe were usually located near sites for deep-sea fishing in winter.

Paragraph 4 is marked with


6.What is the purpose of discussing the passage that forms a major  element  of many graves?

A.To provide an example of a commonly occurring feature  of  megaliths  that might be related to a similar need

B.To argue that similarities in raw materials were responsible for the similarity of passages


C.To explain how repeated access to the interior of the communal tombs was possible

D.To provide evidence that the builders of the megaliths had similar backgrounds Paragraph 5 is marked with


7.The word "consequent" in the passage is closest in meaning to






8.According to paragraph 6, Professor Renfrew has argued that one factor  leading to the rise of megaliths in Europe was

A.the adoption of farming by Mesolithic hunter-gatherers

B.the transition from a glacial to a postglacial climate

C.the relocation of Mesolithic populations from one region to another

D.the conflict over whether areas inhabited by Mesolithic peoples would be used for farming

Paragraph 6 is marked with


9.The phrase style "this hypothesis" in the passage refers to the idea that

A.there was competition for territory between Mesolithic hunter-gathers and invading Neolithic farmers

B.a population explosion brought about a division of the region's Neolithic farmers into neighboring groups

C.the need of neighboring groups to define their territories led to  the  construction of megaliths

D.the construction of megaliths was a way of competing for farmland


10.According to paragraph 7, what did Renfrew conclude about the megaliths of Arran and Rousay?

A.Each megalith was associated with a specific agricultural community.

B.Each megalith was built by between 10 and 50 people.

C.Some megaliths were built using stones quarried at other places.

D.Some megaliths were built gradually over time rather than all at once. Paragraph 7 is marked with


11.The word "reinforces" in the passage is closest in meaning to


B.differs from

C.expands on



12.According to the passage, all of the following were true of the megaliths along the Atlantic seaboard EXCEPT

A.They often had a main passageway.

B.They identified the individuals buried within them.

C.They were built before the Aegean Bronze Age.

D.They differed somewhat in style from region to region. Paragraph 8 is marked with


13.Look at the four squares 【 】 that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.

So it might seem that megaliths could not have been used by an individual community to mark its land.

Where would be the sentence best fit? Click on a square to add the sentence to the passage.


14. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE  answer  choices  that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.


Drag your answer choices to the spaces where they belong. To remove an answer choice, click on it.

To review the passage, click VIEW TEXT.

Answer Choices

A.The Bronze Age Aegeans most probably built some of the tombs in Iberia.

B.Scientific evidence supports the idea that the megaliths were a western and northern European invention.

C.Most megaliths are found in coastal regions, suggesting that people fishing may have used them to guide their travels.

D.Archeologists have found enough indicators to  believe that the layout of  tombs in the landscape reflects each community's social organization.

E.The high proportion of coastal megaliths has given rise to the idea that megalith building was related to fishing.

F.It has been suggested that megaliths arose in response to the spread of agriculture and competition for farmland.


TPO51托福阅读passage1 Origins of the Megaliths 参考答案

1-5 DBCBB   6-10 ACACA   11-13 DBC  14 BEF

获取原文文本请点击:TPO51托福阅读passage1 Origins of the Megaliths 真题原文文本

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雷哥托福>托福机经>TPO51托福阅读passage1 Origins of the Megaliths 真题答案【雷哥托福】

TPO51托福阅读passage1 Origins of the Megaliths 真题答案【雷哥托福】

2018-07-20 11:40:21 发布 来源: 雷哥托福 6703阅读


本文提供的内容是托福tpo雷哥托福整理的TPO51托福阅读passage1 Origins of the Megaliths 真题答案【雷哥托福】真题答案,想要获得完整版TPO51的真题答案解析,添加小助手微信:ybnt110 获取,或者同学们可以来雷哥托福官网在线模考练习。

获取原文文本请点击:TPO51托福阅读passage1 Origins of the Megaliths 真题原文文本



1.The word "collective"in the passage is closest in meaning to

A.above ground





2.According to paragraph 2, early prehistorians thought the Aegean people of the Bronze Age might have influenced megalith building along the Atlantic seaboard because they

A.had established commercial routes along the Atlantic seaboard

B.had been in Iberia, where they introduced the idea of burial in very large tombs

C.were thought to have found megaliths in Iberia when searching for metals

D.were thought to have passed along the concept of burial in monumental tombs as they explored Brittany, Britain, North Germany, and Scandinavia

Paragraph 2 is marked with


3.In paragraph 3, why does the author discuss the results of radiocarbon dates?

A.To support the idea that megaliths spread rapidly during the Bronze Age

B.To question the idea that megaliths have a religious origin

C.To provide evidence against the theory that Bronze Age Aegean inspired the megaliths

D.To argue that the megaliths in Brittany are older than the megaliths in Los Millares

Paragraph 3 is marked with


4.The word "erecting" in the passage is closest in meaning to






5.According to paragraph 4, what did Professor Clark propose as a result of studying the megaliths of southern Sweden?

A.Swedish megaliths are nearly identical to megaliths elsewhere.

B.People who traveled for fishing may have been responsible for the spread of megaliths in Europe.

C.Swedish megaliths were probably built after other European megaliths were built.

D.Megaliths in Europe were usually located near sites for deep-sea fishing in winter.

Paragraph 4 is marked with


6.What is the purpose of discussing the passage that forms a major  element  of many graves?

A.To provide an example of a commonly occurring feature  of  megaliths  that might be related to a similar need

B.To argue that similarities in raw materials were responsible for the similarity of passages


C.To explain how repeated access to the interior of the communal tombs was possible

D.To provide evidence that the builders of the megaliths had similar backgrounds Paragraph 5 is marked with


7.The word "consequent" in the passage is closest in meaning to






8.According to paragraph 6, Professor Renfrew has argued that one factor  leading to the rise of megaliths in Europe was

A.the adoption of farming by Mesolithic hunter-gatherers

B.the transition from a glacial to a postglacial climate

C.the relocation of Mesolithic populations from one region to another

D.the conflict over whether areas inhabited by Mesolithic peoples would be used for farming

Paragraph 6 is marked with


9.The phrase style "this hypothesis" in the passage refers to the idea that

A.there was competition for territory between Mesolithic hunter-gathers and invading Neolithic farmers

B.a population explosion brought about a division of the region's Neolithic farmers into neighboring groups

C.the need of neighboring groups to define their territories led to  the  construction of megaliths

D.the construction of megaliths was a way of competing for farmland


10.According to paragraph 7, what did Renfrew conclude about the megaliths of Arran and Rousay?

A.Each megalith was associated with a specific agricultural community.

B.Each megalith was built by between 10 and 50 people.

C.Some megaliths were built using stones quarried at other places.

D.Some megaliths were built gradually over time rather than all at once. Paragraph 7 is marked with


11.The word "reinforces" in the passage is closest in meaning to


B.differs from

C.expands on



12.According to the passage, all of the following were true of the megaliths along the Atlantic seaboard EXCEPT

A.They often had a main passageway.

B.They identified the individuals buried within them.

C.They were built before the Aegean Bronze Age.

D.They differed somewhat in style from region to region. Paragraph 8 is marked with


13.Look at the four squares 【 】 that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.

So it might seem that megaliths could not have been used by an individual community to mark its land.

Where would be the sentence best fit? Click on a square to add the sentence to the passage.


14. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE  answer  choices  that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.


Drag your answer choices to the spaces where they belong. To remove an answer choice, click on it.

To review the passage, click VIEW TEXT.

Answer Choices

A.The Bronze Age Aegeans most probably built some of the tombs in Iberia.

B.Scientific evidence supports the idea that the megaliths were a western and northern European invention.

C.Most megaliths are found in coastal regions, suggesting that people fishing may have used them to guide their travels.

D.Archeologists have found enough indicators to  believe that the layout of  tombs in the landscape reflects each community's social organization.

E.The high proportion of coastal megaliths has given rise to the idea that megalith building was related to fishing.

F.It has been suggested that megaliths arose in response to the spread of agriculture and competition for farmland.


TPO51托福阅读passage1 Origins of the Megaliths 参考答案

1-5 DBCBB   6-10 ACACA   11-13 DBC  14 BEF

获取原文文本请点击:TPO51托福阅读passage1 Origins of the Megaliths 真题原文文本

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