1.25-1.31 3套托福家考真题汇总
2021-01-27 11:56:32 发布 来源:雷哥托福微信公众号独立口语01
Imagine that you have applied for a job. The company has invited you to come to their office for an interview. However, the office is located a couple of hours away in another town. Because of the distance, the company has also offered to interview you by phone instead. Which would you choose and why?
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? All scientific discoveries should be shared to all scientists around the world; Governments and businesses should not keep any scientific discoveries secret.
Some people often talk about and share their personal opinions about politics and current events with their friends and families. Other people prefer not to discuss these topics and to keep their opinions to themselves. Which do you prefer? Explain why.
One challenge for many workers in today's society is making sure that they have the most up-to-date skills for the workplace. In response to this, a government decided to give money to all adults over the age of 25 to pay for one training course that could provide them with new skills. Do you think this is an effective way for a government to spend its money? Why or why not?
Some people like to go to live music events such as concerts. Others prefer to listen to recordings of music. Which do you prefer and why?
At many universities, the administration provides help to new students who may be unfamiliar with university life. If you were a new student who wanted to learn how best to succeed at your school and adjust to university life, which ONE of the following activities do you think would be most useful to you? Why?-Attending a one-week orientation or introductory program on the university campus, during which you would live on the campus and participate in activities there before your classes began-Meeting regularly during your first year with a student in your major field of study who has attended the university for several years
① 初次备考托福,备考时间短,目标分数高;
② 考过托福,但分数不理想,出分时间紧张;
③ 希望针对性上课,追求VIP上课体验的学员;
④ 托福备考达到一定高度,希望通过专业名师的指导,方法技巧提炼拿下托福高分的学员。
① 2课时测评访谈,制定个性化学习计划,发送托福资料包;
② 学管老师制定课前预习方案,监督完成作业,每日打卡。
① 针对学员的基础和备考情况针对性VIP授课;
② 结课安排一次模拟考,学管根据考试结果调整备考方案;
③ 授课老师随时答疑,所有问题随堂解决;
④ 课程期间授课老师不限次数批改作文(针对全科)
① 口语点评5篇、写作点评5篇
② 每周私人定制学习计划;
③ 一年内学管老师全程跟进备考,直到出分为止;
④ 视频回放 3个月。
⑤ 一年内免费参与公开课。
06-08 15:44:55