2020-12-04 17:07:41 发布 来源:雷哥托福微信公众号2020.12.2考场版托福
After some children learned how to play a musical instrument, they do not want to continue learning the instrumental course because they do not like doing exercises. In this case, some people think that parents should push their children to continue learning the instrumental course; while other people think that parents should allow their children to make the decision. Which opinion do you support and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.

Music is believed to be the food for the soul. Learning to play a musical instrument from an early age is helpful for children in many ways. It enhances their overall confidence and makes them learn dedication and patience. However, children cannot absorb these benefits by sitting in music classes and nodding along. Kids have to engage with music actively in order to enjoy the real perks.
Here are 10 reasons why you should encourage your little drum-bashing rock star to play music every day.
“Further research has shown that participation in music at an early age can improve children’s learning ability and memory by stimulating different patterns of brain development,” says Maestro Eduardo Marturet, a composer, conductor and musical director for the Miami Symphony Orchestra. Learning an instrument teaches children how to create, store and retrieve memories more efficiently.
Practicing music is a creative pursuit. Learning to play an instrument does wonders to the creative side of a child’s brain. No matter how much the music teacher annotates a composition, they cannot fully express how a piece of music should be played. So, it’s upon the learner to put their own stamp on a piece. Every time your children hold their instrument to practice something they will have to inject a part of their personality into it. This gives kids a healthy and composed way to channelize their inner creativity.
Patience is the highest virtue of living a contented life. Playing a musical instrument means having to preserve through hours, days, and possibly years of practice. It helps children learn for one fact that the more effort you put into something, better the results will be. Besides, music lessons also make children understand how to set goals. They will be able to set short term and long term goals for learning a specific note and a new song with lots of different notes respectively.
If you are looking for a place to live in, which of the following places would you like to live in most?
·a place that is not expensive
·a place that is close to your relative
·a place with many shops and restaurants

9 Reasons Why a Simple Lifestyle Reduces Stress and Benefits Your Health
Simplifying will help you sleep better.
According to Marks, multi-tasking leads to stress and burn-out. Being constantly “plugged in” and trying to complete too many tasks at once greatly increases stress levels. Difficulty sleeping is often one of the first signs that the mind and body are over-stressed. She reports that children and adults who spend too much time trying to do many things at once often end up suffering from a lack of sleep as a result.
Having less stimulation will help you concentrate better.
In The Negative Effects of Too Many Toys and What to Do About It, published on A Perfect Playroom, Natalie reports that a study funded by the U.S. government found that when children have too many toys, they become overstimulated and cannot concentrate on playing with just one thing. According to Natalie, “They just shut down.”
Having less clutter will help you become more creative.
According to Natalie of A Perfect Playroom, a study in Europe found that children played much more creatively when their toys were taken away, and all they had to work with were school supplies. The children also learned to communicate better and work better in groups.
My whole family has noticed an increase in creativity since simplifying our life. My husband is more able to problem-solve and gets less overwhelmed when faced with a challenging situation. My daughter will create villages out of the flatware and has begun creating books for her stuffed animals to read. I have noticed that I have more ideas for my writing and have been able to develop my website in ways I would have not considered before.
Less technology may decrease the symptoms of ADD and high sensitivity.
In High Sensitivity is Everyone’s Problem–Reduce Overstimulation and Increase Self-Respect, Susan Meindl states that the increase in ADD and high sensitivity is due, in part, to the increase in stimulation from technology and multi-tasking. With technology, there is more pressure to work and process faster, and this is very overwhelming.
My husband has ADD and noticed that his symptoms have all but disappeared since we have pared down. He also used to suffer from paralyzing anxiety attacks, and those have significantly lessened. Our daughter has decreased her sensory seeking and avoiding behaviors and is performing better in school as a result.
Having fewer possessions can help you grow spiritually.
In his article entitled What is Voluntary Simplicity?, Nagarja Jade states that living simply can help a person find meaning and grow spiritually, because it takes the focus off of material possessions and helps the person to look inwardly. When a person can no longer use possessions to find meaning and inner peace, they are more likely to find it.
In my case, questioning all of the possessions we are expected to own led to questioning other expectations that society has. And that led to questioning the assumptions I held about myself and my potential. As assumption after assumption fell away, I began to experience a freedom from the restraints of fear.
Living simply can help protect the environment.
Jade also reports that having fewer possessions helps to decrease the amount of waste that a person produces. As people become more mindful about what they purchase, they also become more aware of the product’s impact on the environment. Simple living and sustainable living go hand-in-hand, and having a healthier environment will lead to better health for generations to come.
It has amazed me how much less waste we produce, now that we own less. We spend our time and money on experiences, which leave nothing behind in the garbage can.
Living simply can decrease chronic stress.
In the article Voluntary Simplicity: Characterization, Select Psychological Implications, and Societal Consequences, Amitai Etzioli states that living a simple lifestyle can decrease the chances that a person will suffer from chronic stress. Having fewer possessions and not worrying about “keeping up with the Jones'” can lead to experiencing fewer stress-related symptoms.
By having fewer possessions to maintain, we found that we spend less time on our jobs. Simplifying has led us to experience a huge increase in our free time. We have time to go to the gym, to pursue our passions, and to go on outings with our daughter. This increase in time has led to a large decrease in stress for all of us.
Having a simpler lifestyle can improve relationships.
Etzioli also states that when the focus is no longer on accumulating material possessions, people are more likely to focus on relationships. Owning fewer possessions means spending less time managing them, so more time is available to spend with friends and family.
We also noticed that owning less means that we go out into the community more often. We are no longer “walled in” by our possessions. By sharing resources rather than having our own of everything, we have strengthened our friendships and our feeling of belonging to the community.
Voluntary simplicity does not mean giving up your hobbies or the possessions you enjoy. It means only owning what you need, use, and treasure, rather than blindly accumulating possessions because society says you should. It is living intentionally, on your own terms, and every family can benefit from it.
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06-08 15:44:55