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n. 听,倾听




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2020-11-20 15:49:22 发布 来源:雷哥托福微信公众号





# 2020托福独立口语话题分布数据分析








1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In order to be successful, a person must study in university. Please give your answers with specific examples and details.

I agree with the statement that people should attend university to be successful. The most direct resource that universities can provide is their valuable courses. We can learn a lot of professional knowledge and skills from college courses, and such expertise can pave the path for students to a solid career development. In addition, we can meet many knowledgeable teachers and inspiring peers in universities. They might share the same interest with you, or have completely different opinions from you. Together, they form the majority of your social networkthat can be extremely useful to you in the future.

2. Some people think that college education should be free. Others don’t think so. What is your opinion and why? Please include details and examples in your explanation.

I do not think that college education should be free to everyone. First, managing universities is very expensive, and tuition is the one main source of college income. If higher education is free, colleges will face severe problems such as failure to incorporate newest technology to facilitate teaching and financial shortage  of important projects.

Second, people often cherish things when they have to pay for it. If higher education is free, chances are students might take it for granted (to value sb./sth. too lightly), and they will not even be as motivated. To conclude, providing free college education has bad consequences that can be avoided otherwise .


3. Which of the following qualities do you think is most important for a university student to be successful?

Highly motivated

Hard working


Choose one of these qualities and explain why it is important.

In my opinion, diligence, in other words, being extremely hard working is the most important quality for a university to be successful. A lot of people can be highly motivated; after all, wanting something really badly is perhaps not the hardest thing in the world. In one way,

motivation is the premise of success. As for intelligence, I think Edison says it best:genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. Lots of successful people are well-known hard-workers, for example Michael Jordan,J.K. Rowling, Tim Cook and many others. Their success stories are living examples of the importance of hard work.

4. Which university would you choose?

1). the ones that provide specialized courses from the beginning

2). the ones that offer courses that include several fields at first and then allow you to choose your specialization.

I prefer the second type of university, for two reasons. First, as freshmen in college, we might not always be 100% sure what our one true passion in life is, therefore exploring different fields can give us a chance to find out our interest and talent. Second, college education is still, in some sense, a general  education. If we jump directly into a very specific field right away, then we might miss out on a lot of useful and important knowledge in life. For example, even if you major in astrophysics, learning about the basic rules and ethics of social construct is still important as we are all part of the society at large. And that is why I feel this way.



1. What is your favorite festival? Please state with specific examples and details.

My favorite festival is spring festival. Just like Christmas or Thanks Giving in Western countries, spring festival is a time when all Chinese people go back home and join the family reunion. I’ve rarely seen my parents and other relatives since I went to college, and I definitely miss them back home. So, spring festival gives me an opportunity to go back home. Plus, unlike a quick gather-up on regular weekends where people are usually agitated due to incoming work on weekdays, everybody is very relaxed during spring festival. We would enjoy a great meal together, catching up with each other without engaging in serious conversations. For me, it’s more like an annual get-away from work and study 

2. What do you usually do during holidays? Please state with specific examples and details.

Well, it depends on the length of the holiday. If it’s only a regular weekend, I will probably choose to stay in so that I can rest well from a week’s work or study, and also get prepared for the incoming weekdays. I’ll usually enjoy a movie on Saturday night with my friends, or play board games with them. Now, if it is a national holiday that is much longer, let’s say, five days. I will probably go back home and visit my family and friends there. Living in a different city, I’ve rarely had the opportunity to visit my homeland since I went to college, and I really miss my parents and other relatives back home. To sum up, I would prefer to stay in my own apartment and rest well for short holidays, and to travel back home for longer holidays.

▪ 本期的第一道口语题采取的是上一周讲的主旨句加两个分论点的作答方式。但第二道口语题,采取的是分类式,即分论讨论不同的情况-如果假期短,我会简单休息;如果假期长,我会回家探望父母和亲戚。如果采取分类式,主旨句一般会含有 it depends这个表达,而且需要注意,分类讨论的两个方面需要用差不多的篇幅论述。

▪ 另外大家会发现,这两道题目虽然看起来很不一样,但是作答的时候内容有一些重复的地方。

▪ 我们平时练习和最后考试的时候也要想想能不能运用自己之前说过的东西,这也是我们准备素材 的初衷。



1.One of your friends is often late for events and appointments, which makes other angry. You would like to help your friend. What advice will you give your friend to help avoid this problem in the future? Use specific details and examples in your advice.

One advice I would like to give this friend is to make some time, like fifteen minutes, for his appointments. For example, if the appointment is at 4, he can consciously remember it as 3:45. In that case, he will always have extra fifteen minutes to make to the appointment. I think most of the time, people are not late on purpose; they just think they still have enough time, and then leave last minute. So, this could be helpful. In addition, if this appointment is really important, he can also set up an alarm on his phone in advance. When the alarm goes off, he should prepare to leave very soon, like within five minutes.

2. People make friends in many different ways. What do you think is a good way to make friends? Use specific details and examples in your response.

I think a good way to make friends is through mutual interest. It could be a shared love of a type of sport, a hobby, or even as simple as a piece of music. Now, people can meet a lot of new friends in events like a private party, a dinner with friends and their friends. It is true that people can befriend others very quickly, but this friendship won’t last very long if there is not a shared interest because they will soon run out of topic . On the other hand, if they both have passion on something, the conversation can go as long as they want it to be In fact, many communities such as writing club and online fan club are based on shared interests.

3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People should not interrupt others when they are giving opinions.

Personally, I agree with the statement, for two reasons. First, it shows good manners.Listening to others without interrupting them shows our respect to the other person. It is very rude to cut in when others are not done speaking. I remember one of my classmates in college used to do that a lot and people really disliked him for it. Second, interrupting people in the middle of their sentences is an inefficient way of communication. A crucial part of communication is about listening - without it, there’s no real exchange of opinions. And interruption usually means we don’t even have the patience to hear someone out , which is the exact opposite of what we want in order to communicate.



# 2020年独立口语高频话题25个

(一)事物篇(二)Foreign 篇(三)交通工具篇(四)人物篇(五)节日篇(六)健康篇(七)大学教育篇(八)学习方式篇(九)志愿篇(十)节日篇(十一)朋友篇(十二)未来(十三)环境篇(十四)理想篇(十五)空余时间篇(十六)网络篇(十七)职业篇(十八)艺术篇(十九)人际关系篇(二十)专业篇(二十一)作业篇(二十二)课程篇(二十三)人群篇(二十四)校园篇(二十五)冲突篇





Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students learn more when teachers assign a lot of homework. 你同不同意:老师布置的家庭作业越多,学生学到得越多。





① 独立口语黄金60题(30页PDF)

② 独立口语常考话题示范音频(共52个)







托福 “弯道超车”必备课程——




课前准备:① 2课时测评访谈,制定个性化学习计划,发送托福资料包;② 学管老师制定课前预习方案,监督完成作业,每日打卡。

VIP针对性授课:① 针对学员的基础和备考情况针对性VIP授课;② 结课安排一次模拟考,学管根据考试结果调整备考方案;③ 授课老师随时答疑,所有问题随堂解决;④ 课程期间授课老师不限次数批改作文(针对全科)

课后服务:① 口语点评5篇、写作点评5篇② 每周私人定制学习计划;③ 一年内学管老师全程跟进备考,直到出分为止;④ 视频回放 3个月。⑤ 一年内免费参与公开课。








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