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n. 听,倾听




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托福培训 | 托福复考急救!下一场托福考试的预测来了!

2020-07-13 16:40:10 发布 来源:微信公众号


























1.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?


A job a high salary is better than a job with low salary, even if it is easier to lose it.



A job with more vacation time but a low salary is better than a job with a high salary but less vacation time.

Do you prefer to take a low-paid but secure job or a job with a high salary but easy to lose?


2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

It is better for the older to take risks and explore new things than young people.


3.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

children should spend most of their time on studying and playing, they shouldn’t be required to help family with household chores, such as cleaning and cooking.


4.Do you agree or disagree? 

it is better to use your own knowledge and experience to solve problems than to ask other people for advice.




Imagine that a professor requires students to learn as much as possible about a subject in a short period of life. Is it better for the professor to require students to work together in a group or is it better to require students to work alone?


The university will spend money on dormitory to improve the life quality of students,which of the following do you think is the best way?

1. providing a room for quiet study;

2. building an exercise room;

3. providing entertainment place(watch film)




Topic: Whether the declining of bison was caused by the European American settlers.


Reading:About bison,a kinof animal,something like cattle or horse.The passage suggests that the declining bison was due to the European American settlers:


1.When European American cross prairies,they hunted bison as food because there is no food in prairies.


2.They brought cattle and horses,which competed with bison for resources.


3.The evolving technology,especially guns,let hunters kill several bison in a short time.


Listening:The professor contradicts each of these three points:


1.The European American moved from east to west,but the bisodecline in the western part of America.The pattern of how bison disappeared gradually was different from that of movement of European.American.


2.Bison have double furs covering their bodies and unique head structure,which allow them to live iharsher and colder areas.The areas were unreachable for cattle and horses.How could different spices compete with each other in separate territories?


3.The advanced technology should not be blame worthy for the decreasing bison.The ancient methods are as effectively as guts.Skilled ancient American hunters could kill several bison with short intervals.




1.Do you agree or disagree that it's acceptable for students to disagree with their instructors?


2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents should force their kids to continue learning to play the musical instrument when the kids want to give up.


3.Some teachers let students choose topics that interest them on research papers. Others assign topics on research papers. Which one do you prefer?


4.Some students prefer to do things which they are good at. Some students force themselves to do what they are not good at? Which do you prefer? Why?



1. a case in point = a good example 恰当的例子

2. abundant = plentiful 大量的

3. accompany=occur along with伴随

4. accounts for = explains 解释

5. adaptable to the iron technology = could be used with the iron technology 适应制铁技术

6. addressed = dealt with 处理

7. advent = arrival 到来

8. afforded = provided 提供(的)

9. agitated = disturbed心绪紊乱的,激动的

10. akin to = similar to = likewise 与...相似

11. altered = transformed 改变

12. altogether = fully 全部

13. amass = build up = accumulate 积累,增强

14. ambiguous=unclear不清楚的,模糊的

15. anticipate = predict 预期

16. apparently = seemingly 表面上似乎

17. appropriate=suitable 恰当的

18. approximating = estimating 估算

19. aptitude = ability 才能

20. associates = connects 联合

21. astonishment = surprise 惊奇

22. autonomous = independent 独立的

23. barring = excluding 把……除外

24. burdensome = difficult 繁重的

25. coat = cover覆盖

26. collated = assembled 整合

27. collectively = in a whole作为一个整体地

28. compensated = made up for 弥补

29. component = part = constituent 组成(部分)

30. compounded = added to 使加重

31. comprised = consisted  of 组成

32. concentrated = gathered 集中

33. considerable = significant 大量的 = drastic 急剧的

34. constrains >对…的限制

35. consult = ask 商量,询问

36. conventional = traditional 传统的

37. converge=come together重叠

38. converted = changed 改变

39. critical = fault-finding 批判的,吹毛求疵的

40. critically = dangerously 危急地

41. cycle = pattern of events that repeats itself 循环

42. deliberate = intentional 故意的

43. depletion = reduction消耗

44. depositing = putting 放置

45. detect = distinguish 辨别 = sense 感觉到

46. diffuse = spread = disperse 消散弥漫

47. disrupted = disordered 混乱的

48. distinct = clear = evident 明显的,清晰的

49. diverse = varied 不同的

50. document=record记录



1.What is the student's attitude about speaking in front of other students

He thinks it will be fun.

He views it as a useful opportunity.

He feels nervous about it.

He prefers it to writing papers.


2.The student talks about a species of fungus. What fact about the fungus interests him


It acts as a food source for other fungi.

It grows well on wind farms.

It can be used as an alternative source of energy.

It produces chemicals that destroy toxins.


3.Why does the professor mention trees and apples


To give advice on how to explain fungi and mushrooms

To show how the environment can affect growth rates

To provide an example of the effects of pesticides

To give an example of how a wind farm replaced a fruit farm


4.Why does the professor suggest that the student visit the greenhouse


The student might be able to conduct a research study there.

A mushroom species that interests the student is being grown there.

Mushrooms grow more quickly there than in other locations.

Environmentally safe growing techniques are demonstrated there.


5.Why does the student go to see the professor


To get advice about how much information to include in a paper he is writing

To ask for permission to change the topic of an assignment

To get help choosing a topic for an assignment

To discuss the results of research he has done for a paper he is writing






① 考试时间缩短至3小时,现有考试准备材料不变

② 增加下午场考试:缩短考试日的间隔,下半年考试日增加,以缓解考生对考位的需求

③ 两次报考的间隔时间缩短至3天,允许在连续周末进行考试

④ 延长考试报名最后截止期限至考前2天

⑤ 出分时间由原来的10天缩短至6天,成绩寄送时间缩短至9天,电子分数报告缩短至7-8天

⑥ 当场出分:在离开考场前,可当场查看阅读和听力部分的非正式成绩单



① 托福家庭版报名时间由6月30日延长至9月30日,每周会安排4场考试

② 家庭版托福考试时间从每周美国当地时间周二到周五调整至周日到周三!

③ 只要接受托福iBT成绩的院校都接受家庭版托福考试的成绩

④ 强调了通过科学上网方式参加托福在家考不会被判定为作弊

⑤ 报考托福在家考注册的时候,只要填支持在家考的国家地区就可以,是不会来检查你的IP地址或者物理地址的!

⑥ 家庭版托福同样也可以参加my best score托福拼分



① 目前托福ITP考试已经在全球600所高校获得认可

② 随着线下IBT复考,托福ITP考试将逐渐淡出我们的选择。但托福ITP考试相比普通托福考试而言难度较低。如果想给自己留一个漂亮的托福分数,也不失为一种选择。













上一篇:2019年8月24日-预测丨7月6日托福口语Task 1预测 下一篇:1月托福写作预测题

雷哥托福>备考>托福培训 | 托福复考急救!下一场托福考试的预测来了!

托福培训 | 托福复考急救!下一场托福考试的预测来了!

2020-07-13 16:40:10 发布 来源: 微信公众号 5006阅读


























1.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?


A job a high salary is better than a job with low salary, even if it is easier to lose it.



A job with more vacation time but a low salary is better than a job with a high salary but less vacation time.

Do you prefer to take a low-paid but secure job or a job with a high salary but easy to lose?


2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

It is better for the older to take risks and explore new things than young people.


3.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

children should spend most of their time on studying and playing, they shouldn’t be required to help family with household chores, such as cleaning and cooking.


4.Do you agree or disagree? 

it is better to use your own knowledge and experience to solve problems than to ask other people for advice.




Imagine that a professor requires students to learn as much as possible about a subject in a short period of life. Is it better for the professor to require students to work together in a group or is it better to require students to work alone?


The university will spend money on dormitory to improve the life quality of students,which of the following do you think is the best way?

1. providing a room for quiet study;

2. building an exercise room;

3. providing entertainment place(watch film)




Topic: Whether the declining of bison was caused by the European American settlers.


Reading:About bison,a kinof animal,something like cattle or horse.The passage suggests that the declining bison was due to the European American settlers:


1.When European American cross prairies,they hunted bison as food because there is no food in prairies.


2.They brought cattle and horses,which competed with bison for resources.


3.The evolving technology,especially guns,let hunters kill several bison in a short time.


Listening:The professor contradicts each of these three points:


1.The European American moved from east to west,but the bisodecline in the western part of America.The pattern of how bison disappeared gradually was different from that of movement of European.American.


2.Bison have double furs covering their bodies and unique head structure,which allow them to live iharsher and colder areas.The areas were unreachable for cattle and horses.How could different spices compete with each other in separate territories?


3.The advanced technology should not be blame worthy for the decreasing bison.The ancient methods are as effectively as guts.Skilled ancient American hunters could kill several bison with short intervals.




1.Do you agree or disagree that it's acceptable for students to disagree with their instructors?


2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents should force their kids to continue learning to play the musical instrument when the kids want to give up.


3.Some teachers let students choose topics that interest them on research papers. Others assign topics on research papers. Which one do you prefer?


4.Some students prefer to do things which they are good at. Some students force themselves to do what they are not good at? Which do you prefer? Why?



1. a case in point = a good example 恰当的例子

2. abundant = plentiful 大量的

3. accompany=occur along with伴随

4. accounts for = explains 解释

5. adaptable to the iron technology = could be used with the iron technology 适应制铁技术

6. addressed = dealt with 处理

7. advent = arrival 到来

8. afforded = provided 提供(的)

9. agitated = disturbed心绪紊乱的,激动的

10. akin to = similar to = likewise 与...相似

11. altered = transformed 改变

12. altogether = fully 全部

13. amass = build up = accumulate 积累,增强

14. ambiguous=unclear不清楚的,模糊的

15. anticipate = predict 预期

16. apparently = seemingly 表面上似乎

17. appropriate=suitable 恰当的

18. approximating = estimating 估算

19. aptitude = ability 才能

20. associates = connects 联合

21. astonishment = surprise 惊奇

22. autonomous = independent 独立的

23. barring = excluding 把……除外

24. burdensome = difficult 繁重的

25. coat = cover覆盖

26. collated = assembled 整合

27. collectively = in a whole作为一个整体地

28. compensated = made up for 弥补

29. component = part = constituent 组成(部分)

30. compounded = added to 使加重

31. comprised = consisted  of 组成

32. concentrated = gathered 集中

33. considerable = significant 大量的 = drastic 急剧的

34. constrains >对…的限制

35. consult = ask 商量,询问

36. conventional = traditional 传统的

37. converge=come together重叠

38. converted = changed 改变

39. critical = fault-finding 批判的,吹毛求疵的

40. critically = dangerously 危急地

41. cycle = pattern of events that repeats itself 循环

42. deliberate = intentional 故意的

43. depletion = reduction消耗

44. depositing = putting 放置

45. detect = distinguish 辨别 = sense 感觉到

46. diffuse = spread = disperse 消散弥漫

47. disrupted = disordered 混乱的

48. distinct = clear = evident 明显的,清晰的

49. diverse = varied 不同的

50. document=record记录



1.What is the student's attitude about speaking in front of other students

He thinks it will be fun.

He views it as a useful opportunity.

He feels nervous about it.

He prefers it to writing papers.


2.The student talks about a species of fungus. What fact about the fungus interests him


It acts as a food source for other fungi.

It grows well on wind farms.

It can be used as an alternative source of energy.

It produces chemicals that destroy toxins.


3.Why does the professor mention trees and apples


To give advice on how to explain fungi and mushrooms

To show how the environment can affect growth rates

To provide an example of the effects of pesticides

To give an example of how a wind farm replaced a fruit farm


4.Why does the professor suggest that the student visit the greenhouse


The student might be able to conduct a research study there.

A mushroom species that interests the student is being grown there.

Mushrooms grow more quickly there than in other locations.

Environmentally safe growing techniques are demonstrated there.


5.Why does the student go to see the professor


To get advice about how much information to include in a paper he is writing

To ask for permission to change the topic of an assignment

To get help choosing a topic for an assignment

To discuss the results of research he has done for a paper he is writing






① 考试时间缩短至3小时,现有考试准备材料不变

② 增加下午场考试:缩短考试日的间隔,下半年考试日增加,以缓解考生对考位的需求

③ 两次报考的间隔时间缩短至3天,允许在连续周末进行考试

④ 延长考试报名最后截止期限至考前2天

⑤ 出分时间由原来的10天缩短至6天,成绩寄送时间缩短至9天,电子分数报告缩短至7-8天

⑥ 当场出分:在离开考场前,可当场查看阅读和听力部分的非正式成绩单



① 托福家庭版报名时间由6月30日延长至9月30日,每周会安排4场考试

② 家庭版托福考试时间从每周美国当地时间周二到周五调整至周日到周三!

③ 只要接受托福iBT成绩的院校都接受家庭版托福考试的成绩

④ 强调了通过科学上网方式参加托福在家考不会被判定为作弊

⑤ 报考托福在家考注册的时候,只要填支持在家考的国家地区就可以,是不会来检查你的IP地址或者物理地址的!

⑥ 家庭版托福同样也可以参加my best score托福拼分



① 目前托福ITP考试已经在全球600所高校获得认可

② 随着线下IBT复考,托福ITP考试将逐渐淡出我们的选择。但托福ITP考试相比普通托福考试而言难度较低。如果想给自己留一个漂亮的托福分数,也不失为一种选择。













上一篇:2019年8月24日-预测丨7月6日托福口语Task 1预测


