英['lɪs(ə)n] 美['lɪsn]
vi. 听,倾听;听从,听信
n. 听,倾听
2024-11-30 09:27:56 发布 来源:雷哥托福
综合写作 建议 1:先读,再听
您将有三分钟的时间阅读文章并做笔记,之后,阅读文章将消失,然后听力文章将播放两到三分钟;然后您有 20 分钟的时间来撰写论文。
先看这段内容: The shrimping industry relies on trawls to catch shrimp. Trawls are huge nets that are dragged behind boats in order to catch shrimp. Other animals, like sea turtles, are often caught inside these nets and soon die without sufficient oxygen. To help reduce the number of accidental deaths to sea turtles, engineers created a Turtle Excluder Device (TED), that must now be installed in all shrimping trawls. This one simple invention has greatly reduced the number of sea turtle deaths per year for a number of reasons. First, the TED was specifically designed to help sea turtles. The TED mechanism has a mechanical barrier in the middle of the net that prevents any animal larger than ten centimeters from getting caught deep inside. Once the animal hits this metal grid, it tilts downward, providing that animal with a clear path to exit. Smaller animals, like shrimp, pass through the metal guard and get caught in the end of the trawl net, as usual. Second, in order to make sure that fishermen use the Turtle Excluder Device, the “Shrimp-Turtle Law” was passed. It states that all trawling shrimping boats must have a TED installed. There are specific organizations in charge of monitoring shrimping vessels to ensure that their TEDs are properly installed and maintained. Finally, America now tightly controls the import of shrimp. All shrimp products must come from a ship that is a certified user of TED-installed shrimping trawls. Countries, companies, or fishermen who do not comply with the “Shrimp-Turtle Law” are not allowed to sell their products in the US and some European countries. Since most shrimping businesses want to import their goods to as many locations as possible, they have decided to comply and install TEDs in their trawls. 红色下划线部分是这段文字中最重要的几点: 1 主要思想:Turtle Excluder Devices (TEDs) have reduced the number of sea turtle deaths 2 原因 1:TEDs designed to prevent large animals from getting caught 3 原因 2:All boats must have a TED installed 4 原因 3:Shrimp importing is now tightly controlled 现在我们已经了解了有关这道特定的综合托福写作题的阅读文章的全部内容,可以有把握地预测,听力文章中的说话者会认为海龟排除装置无效,并会重点放在阅读中的每一个主张
综合写作 建议 2:做好笔记 在 Task 1 中做好笔记非常重要,尤其是听力部分。这样做的原因有两个: 1 阅读文章将在讲座结束后重新出现,并在你写作时可见。因此,虽然记下作者的立场和要点很重要,但你不需要对阅读文章做大量的笔记 2 你应该多写一些关于听力的文章,而不是阅读的文章。没错!在你的答案中,因此,在讲座期间做好笔记至关重要。 这是有关 Turtle Excluder Devices 的音频。你可以听并将阅读笔记与听力笔记进行比较。尝试在笔记中多写一些关于听力部分的内容,而不是阅读部分的内容。 以下是对 TST Prep 完整测试 #13 中 TOEFL 综合写作问题的听力段落的笔记,大家可以参考。 综合写作 建议3:不要引用原文 对于托福综合写作任务,你需要用自己的话解释作者和教授的立场!因此,解释所有内容非常重要。 对于阅读文章尤其如此。请记住,在撰写内容时,如果你直接引用作者的话,托福电子评分系统会发现这一点,这可能会导致你的分数降低! 例如,假设阅读文章内容如下: “There are many who argue that corn ethanol should replace fossil fuel gas as the primary source for running cars.” DON’T say in your answer: “The author discusses how there are many who argue that corn ethanol should replace fossil fuel gas as the primary source for running cars.” This is a huge mistake that many students make! 我们应该正确的做法便是,应该解释作者的立场: “The author discusses the advantages of switching from fossil fuels to the alternative energy source: corn-based ethanol.”
综合写作 建议4:多使用过渡词和短语 过渡词和短语是写作的重要组成部分,尤其是在托福写作任务一中。你必须在阅读和听力文章中转换对比观点。保持文章连贯性的最佳方法是使用这些话语标记在思想之间进行转换。 他们将向托福评分员和电子评分员证明你对英语和北美学术论文结构有扎实的掌握。 以下是一些常见的过渡词和短语的列表:
综合写作 建议5:合理的时间管理 对于综合写作任务,你只有20 分钟的时间来写论文!因此,虽然时间管理在整个托福考试过程中都很重要,但对于这项任务来说尤其重要。 应该花大约两分钟做笔记并概述你的答案,3分钟写引言段落,11分钟写正文段落,两分钟写结论,最后3分钟进行编辑。 第一段内容的答案供参考: The reading and the lecture are about the pros and cons of the Turtle Excluder Device (TED). The writer believes there are many benefits to the use of TED, and that it has decreased the number of sea turtles caught in trawls by shrimpers. The speaker in the listening passage disagrees. He claims there are still many issues with TED, and challenges each of the writer’s points. First, the article posits that the design of TED includes a metal barrier inside the net that prevents larger animals from getting caught. Additionally, it says, TED also provides a path for the sea turtles to exit. However, the professor points out that small and mid-sized turtles still get caught deeper in the trawls. He states this is because the metal barrier only prevents creatures larger than ten centimeters to pass through it. Also, the author notes that laws have been passed requiring shrimp boats to have TED and use it properly. The lecturer rebuts this argument. He says that it is impossible for organizations to regulate the fishermen while they are fishing for shrimp and that they can just remove the TED right before putting the nets into the ocean. Furthermore, he argues that they are inclined to do this because sometimes TED can also prevent shrimp from passing into the depths of the trawls, which decreases their profits. Another reason the writer feels that TED is beneficial is that under import regulations, the shrimp sold in the US can only come from suppliers who are certified TED users. Again, the speaker holds there are flaws in this argument. He suggests that there are many boat owners who claim to be TED-certified, but, in reality, have fake documentation. The lack of consistency in TED certification from country to country allows many to deceive ports and sell their shrimp anyway. To sum up, both the author and the lecturer hold conflicting views about TED.
上一篇:托福写作需不需要“套”用模板?(文末有福利) 下一篇:没有了
06-08 15:44:55