TOEFL新写作任务的时间应该还是10分钟,官方给出的总体写作时间29分钟只是estimated time。这可能是官方为了创造让你能可以在2小时之内完成考试的感觉,而使用的一些小“手段”。这篇文章跟大家一起来探讨一下,TOEFL写作新题型可以怎么写?我将从两个部分来说,第一部分分析一下踩分要点,第二部分分析一下常见误区,第三部分给大家展示一些不负责任的写作范例段落。之所以说不负责任,是因为官方考试还没有开始,这些方法是否真的能被ETS看上还属于未知数,读者要自负风险。
第一个误区是必须对另外两个学生的讨论进行总结。从官方给出的范文看,不管不顾其他同学的发言完全没有问题。但是你必须保证提供的信息与这两位同学不同。第二个误区是既然是online post,语言可以生活化。官方的点评中特别强调了这是在学术环境中探讨问题,所以即使是online post,也不能像自己在instgram或者facebook上发表文章一样随意。同时,要注意语言的得体礼貌。因此建议大家还是要按照标准议论文的段落结构来写。

(1) 传统独立写作法。本方法把这道题目就看成一道独立题目,写出一个主题段落。但是reason要和其他两个同学不同即可。As a policy maker, I would argue that environmental protections should be given greater priority than education. One reason for this is that the long-term health and wellbeing of society depend on a healthy environment. Without adequate protections, environmental degradation can lead to widespread health problems, economic instability, and social unrest. Furthermore, environmental issues are global in nature, and they require cooperation and collaboration among nations to find lasting solutions. Investing in environmental protections can also create jobs in emerging industries such as renewable energy and sustainable agriculture. By prioritizing environmental protections, governments can demonstrate their commitment to protecting the future of their citizens and the planet. Education is undoubtedly important, but it is more effective when combined with a healthy and sustainable environment.(2)补充法。可以对其中一位同学的观点做进一步的理由补充。In addition to Kelly's argument, the reason why environmental protection should be prioritized is that environmental problems are becoming more urgent and complex, and they require immediate action. Climate change, for example, poses an existential threat to the planet, and governments must take bold steps to mitigate its impact. While education is important for understanding and addressing environmental issues, it is not a quick fix. It takes time to develop curricula, train teachers, and disseminate information to the public. In contrast, policy interventions such as investing in renewable energy, implementing carbon taxes, and regulating polluting industries can have an immediate impact on the environment. By prioritizing environmental protections, governments can demonstrate their commitment to taking decisive action to address the most pressing issues facing society.或者,我们可以对kelly提到的三种方法到底哪一种好这个子课题进行讨论。
Continuing Kelly's discussion, while restricting pollution, regulating population, and promoting clean energy are all important measures in protecting the environment, the most effective approach may depend on the specific needs and challenges of each region. For example, a densely populated area may prioritize regulating population growth to reduce the strain on resources and prevent environmental degradation. In contrast, a highly industrialized area may prioritize restricting pollution to mitigate the negative impacts of manufacturing and waste disposal. On the other hand, a region with abundant natural resources may prioritize promoting clean energy to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and preserve the environment. Ultimately, a comprehensive approach that combines these measures and considers the unique circumstances of each region may be the most effective in protecting the environment for future generations.(3) 事例补充法。可以对其中一位同学的观点做证据补充。I agree with Andrew's statement that education is more effective in promoting environmental protection and would like to provide some examples. One such example is the success of educational initiatives aimed at reducing plastic pollution. Several countries have introduced educational programs that teach people about the harmful effects of plastic waste on the environment, and how to reduce plastic usage. These initiatives have led to a significant reduction in plastic usage and pollution. Another example is the impact of education on sustainable energy practices. By educating people about the benefits of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power, countries have been able to reduce their carbon emissions significantly. In conclusion, education is indeed the most effective way to promote environmental protection as it empowers individuals to make informed decisions and creates a foundation for scientific innovation.(4)推理反驳法。通过对其中一位同学发言中的逻辑漏洞进行识别和攻击完成段落,类似GRE的argument。While Andrew's statement that education is essential for protecting the environment has merit, it overlooks an important logical loophole; that is, education alone may not be sufficient to address the root causes of environmental degradation. For example, a person who is well-educated about the dangers of climate change may still choose to drive a gas-guzzling car because of economic or social reasons. Similarly, an educated person may choose to purchase products with excessive packaging because they are convenient. Thus, education should be coupled with government policies and regulations to create an environment that incentivizes sustainable practices. For instance, the government could offer tax breaks for using renewable energy or mandate that manufacturers use eco-friendly packaging. By combining education with policy, we can create a holistic approach that is more likely to protect the environment.
06-08 15:44:55