英['lɪs(ə)n] 美['lɪsn]
vi. 听,倾听;听从,听信
n. 听,倾听
2024-05-16 10:00:51 发布 来源:雷哥托福
1、美洲的原住民一直在捕猎各种各样的美国本地的野牛。大概美国的原住民每年要捕猎几十万头野牛。但是因为原始本身美国的野牛数量很大,所以哪怕捕猎几十万头,其实野牛的群体还是能够长期的繁盛下去。在美国原佳民的文化里面,他们就认为这些野牛在冬天的时候会进入到地下,我们看不到的草原来生活和繁育,因此这种野牛的量是很大的。 而且从原住民的角度来看,这些野牛的全身都是宝骨头,可以制作工具肉可以来吃。皮还可以来制造衣物,因此这对于整个北美原住民的生活有非常大的帮助作用。 最为传统的原住民捕捉野牛的方法是想办法吓唬这些野牛,然后把这些野牛赶下悬崖,这样这些野牛在掉落的过程当中就摔死了,通过这种方式来捕捉野牛,但是这种方式井不是特别的经济以及有点不持续。因为考古学家就发现了一些野牛的遗址。这些野牛里面有公牛,有母牛,还有小牛。而且有一些牛根本就没有经过宰杀,就直接留在原地了。这说明这些。印第安人对于这些野牛利用的井不充分,有的时候量大了,他们也不会全都取走。而且研究发现这些原住民更喜欢的是这些野牛的舌头和牛的皮。以及他们喜欢宰杀公牛,因为公牛的肉更加的多汁。而且。他们开始慢慢的与。周国的国家开始进行牛的产品的交易。他们在几年的时间里面就给其他的国家供给了10万件牛皮做的衣服。而且在那几年间,因为整体北美地区的降雨减少,因此使得牛的数量大幅度的下降。实际上就破坏了当时牛的物种的平衡。 2、在沥青的制造方法得到改进之后,美国有100多个城市的1500英里的街道都铺上了沥青,马车 (马拉的车辆)的司机更喜欢花岗岩,因为花岗岩表面更光滑,车轮在上面滚动时阻力更小,而且相对较软的路面对马的腿更温和。此外,花岗岩铺路石之间的凹槽必须用手刮干净。环卫工人可以采用更多的机械手段来清扫平整的柏油马路。这一优势为沥青获得了公共卫生倡导者的大力支持。骑自行车的人是最早倡导改善道路的政治运动的人之一,这场运动起源于19世纪70年代未,在早期汽车爱好者的最终支持下发展到20世纪20年代。
Conversation 1: 有关在学校玩皮划艇的事情:部分学生看到划皮划艇很好奇,于是去询问了一下,得知皮划艇club能够为使用者提供很多贴心服务。
Conversation 2: female 和 male 的一种进化的大小不一样,而且有不同的目的
Lecture 1:涉及到埃及历史的一个寓言故事。
Lecture 2:有关地壳运动
Lecture 3: 聊了西非的艺术历史,为何近年才被挖掘其艺术,是否和欧洲艺术形式有关联。
Task 1:
Some people think that, when moving to a new country, they should adapt to the cultural habits and traditions of the new country. Other people prefer to keep their original habits and traditions. Which point of view do you agree with? Explain why, using details and examples in your response.(搬到一个新的国家的时候,有的人认为应该去适应当地的新的文化和习惯。而有的人认为应该保留原来自己国家的文化和习惯。你支持哪一个观点?)
Task 2:
It is very common to see students sleeping on the couches in the library. I do not think the university should allow this, for two reasons. First, when students sleep in the library, they occupy spaces where other students need to sit in order to get their work done. Second, when visitors come to our university and take a campus tour, the tour always takes them into the library. If these visitors see students sleeping there, they will get the impression that students at our university are not serious about their studies.
Sincerely, Diane Menz
Question:The man expresses his opinion about the proposal described in the letter. Briefly summarize the proposal. Then state the man's opinion about the proposal and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.
Task 3:
Many companies restrict access to the designs of their products in order to protect them from their competitors, so that those competitors do not copy their products Sometimes, however, companies may encourage all interested people to access and modify their designs, even if these people are from a competing company. This model of development, known as open source development, allows companies to work together cooperatively to improve products. This model can be beneficial when products require new technology that is expensive and complex, since companies can share costs and work together to find solutions to problems in order to create successful products.
Explain how the example from the professor's lecture illustrates the concept of open source development.
Your professor is teaching a class. Write a post responding to the professor's question.In your response, you should do the following.Express and support your opinion.
-Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words.
-An effective response will contain at least 100 words.
Doctor Diaz
As countries work to reduce emissions and protect the environment, many governments are encouraging the adoption of electric vehicles through new policies. This week we will discuss ideas for policies that could promote electric vehicle usage. In your post, I would like you to address this question: What policies should the government implement to promote electric
vehicles for environmental protection?
More charging stations are key to getting people to buy electric cars.
It's frustrating when you can't charge your car. The government should offer big tax credits to businesses to build charging stations. If charging spots are everywhere, range anxiety will go away and electric car sales will take off. We need that to help the Earth.
The government needs to create entire highways just for electric cars. These special roads could have charging stations along the way so range anxiety disappears.
Exclusive electric highways would show electric cars are the transportation of the future. We'd see tons more Teslas on the road helping clear the air.
06-08 15:44:55