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2017-12-04 11:49:41 发布 来源:雷哥托福


The reading passage states that the story of the burning mirror which was used in the war between Roman navy and Greeks of Syracuse is just a myth and the device has not been built. This position disagrees with that of the lecture, which advocates the idea that the burning mirror may have existed.


First, the writer draws our attention to the point that the ancient Greeks were not technologically advanced enough to make such a device because the mirror should be wide and have a precise parabolic curvature. It contradicts the lecture, which suggests that the Greeks did not need to form a single sheet of copper but to use small flat pieces of polished copper instead to make the large burning mirror.


Also, the author raises the issue that the mirror might use a long time to burn the ships thus it was impractical and inefficient. The lecture, on the other hand, states that the pitch which was used for waterproof on the ship board catches fire quickly and the fire can spread to the wood.


Finally, it is argued in the reading that the burning mirror did not seem like an improved weapon since the flaming arrows had already been used. The clashes with the point made in the lecture show that Roman soldiers were familiar with the flaming arrows and would be ready to put out the fire that they caused, so the mirror would be more surprising and more effective.





3.文章要体现出听力在反驳阅读,It contradicts the lecture”这样的表达,显示出来是相反的



Do you agree or disagree with the following statements? The government should spend more money on protecting the environment than on developing economy.


When it comes to dealing with social issues or making important decisions, the government should think more seriously about the fiscal budget. Since the government plays a role of much significance in our life, its behavior ought to be cautious and acceptable. As environmental problems have aroused human’s concern about the places they are living, it is no wonder that some people require that the government spend money on protecting the environment. However, in my view, the government should put economic target as the first consideration at any time.  黄色高亮部分可删除


Firstly, the reason why we give priority to developing the economy is that only with developed economy can people live a better life. With the great prosperity we achieve today, we enjoy a more comfortable life since more choices are accessible. For instance, the products in the mall have become more variable than ever before, so we can buy things we have not even seen before. Moreover, the growth of economy brings a great number of opportunities for us to become wealthy. As we all know, prosperous market offers a better chance to invest in financial fields or enhance the yield of a firm, from which people will benefit. Therefore, the government should pay more attention to developing the economy in order to guarantee people’s largest benefits. 这一段的论点似乎力量不是特别强,如果侧重点变成“生活更好,更有意识去保护环境/保证人民的基本生活才是重要的,在生存面前,环境只好放在其后”会切题一些


On the other hand, 需要搭配使用的the developed economy will definitely improve the status of the country in the world. The condition of a country’s economy is regarded as a main aspect when talking about a country’s power. There is no doubt that the most developed country often has the final word on the political stage of the world, needless to say its influence and control on other poor countries. If a country lags behind in economy, it will be more vulnerable in military and independence. Because of this reason, government should do its best to develop the economy in case we are falling behind.


Admittedly, protecting the environment is also necessary, as we pay more attention to the quality of our life.建议表达成“也是生活品质的一部分” In order to improve the environment we live, we may have to use some techniques to clear the air we breathe, purify the water we drink and so on. All these techniques are undoubtedly the products of developed economy. Thus, to develop the economy is the first step. That is why I support that the government should spend more money on developing the economy. 蓝色高亮部分另起一段作为结尾,另外要写得稍微丰富一点





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2017-12-04 11:49:41 发布 来源: 雷哥托福 4848阅读


The reading passage states that the story of the burning mirror which was used in the war between Roman navy and Greeks of Syracuse is just a myth and the device has not been built. This position disagrees with that of the lecture, which advocates the idea that the burning mirror may have existed.


First, the writer draws our attention to the point that the ancient Greeks were not technologically advanced enough to make such a device because the mirror should be wide and have a precise parabolic curvature. It contradicts the lecture, which suggests that the Greeks did not need to form a single sheet of copper but to use small flat pieces of polished copper instead to make the large burning mirror.


Also, the author raises the issue that the mirror might use a long time to burn the ships thus it was impractical and inefficient. The lecture, on the other hand, states that the pitch which was used for waterproof on the ship board catches fire quickly and the fire can spread to the wood.


Finally, it is argued in the reading that the burning mirror did not seem like an improved weapon since the flaming arrows had already been used. The clashes with the point made in the lecture show that Roman soldiers were familiar with the flaming arrows and would be ready to put out the fire that they caused, so the mirror would be more surprising and more effective.





3.文章要体现出听力在反驳阅读,It contradicts the lecture”这样的表达,显示出来是相反的



Do you agree or disagree with the following statements? The government should spend more money on protecting the environment than on developing economy.


When it comes to dealing with social issues or making important decisions, the government should think more seriously about the fiscal budget. Since the government plays a role of much significance in our life, its behavior ought to be cautious and acceptable. As environmental problems have aroused human’s concern about the places they are living, it is no wonder that some people require that the government spend money on protecting the environment. However, in my view, the government should put economic target as the first consideration at any time.  黄色高亮部分可删除


Firstly, the reason why we give priority to developing the economy is that only with developed economy can people live a better life. With the great prosperity we achieve today, we enjoy a more comfortable life since more choices are accessible. For instance, the products in the mall have become more variable than ever before, so we can buy things we have not even seen before. Moreover, the growth of economy brings a great number of opportunities for us to become wealthy. As we all know, prosperous market offers a better chance to invest in financial fields or enhance the yield of a firm, from which people will benefit. Therefore, the government should pay more attention to developing the economy in order to guarantee people’s largest benefits. 这一段的论点似乎力量不是特别强,如果侧重点变成“生活更好,更有意识去保护环境/保证人民的基本生活才是重要的,在生存面前,环境只好放在其后”会切题一些


On the other hand, 需要搭配使用的the developed economy will definitely improve the status of the country in the world. The condition of a country’s economy is regarded as a main aspect when talking about a country’s power. There is no doubt that the most developed country often has the final word on the political stage of the world, needless to say its influence and control on other poor countries. If a country lags behind in economy, it will be more vulnerable in military and independence. Because of this reason, government should do its best to develop the economy in case we are falling behind.


Admittedly, protecting the environment is also necessary, as we pay more attention to the quality of our life.建议表达成“也是生活品质的一部分” In order to improve the environment we live, we may have to use some techniques to clear the air we breathe, purify the water we drink and so on. All these techniques are undoubtedly the products of developed economy. Thus, to develop the economy is the first step. That is why I support that the government should spend more money on developing the economy. 蓝色高亮部分另起一段作为结尾,另外要写得稍微丰富一点





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